Who We Are

Founded in 1984 by former RBCC Music Director, Dan Shelhamer, the RBCC Players is a group of passionate individuals bringing theatre arts to life in the Shoreline Community. Currently led by Managing Artistic Director, Cyndi Thomsen, and Producer, Carol Colt, the RBCC Players provide a rich community-building experience through story telling.

What We Believe

The RBCC Players believe in the deep importance of creating community and impacting our world through sharing stories. Our Mission is to connect the broader community through theatre arts.

What We Do

We put on several performances each year. Our year typically begins with a holiday show in December, followed by another work, often a musical, in late Spring or early Summer. In recent years we have found a love of discovering and bringing to life new works by local playwrights -- highlighting our desire to inspire audiences and artists of all kinds to share their stories.

In The Beginning

The RBCC Players was founded in 1984 by former RBCC Music Director Dan Shelhamer. Dan believed that everyone was a performer, and helped many discover their own talents. He was inexhaustible in his passion for music and theater. Attuned to his inner child, he connected well with children. Loyal and kind -- he always found a role in any production for any child who auditioned, often writing roles into the script for them.

What's On Now

RBCC Players Announce Auditions:  James and the Giant Peach

Performances dates:

Friday, June 6th & Saturday June 7th

While based on what some may consider a “kids” story, this is a tale that speaks to the heart of all of us at any stage in life. The theme of James and the Giant Peach touches on finding family and friendship, overcoming adversity, embracing the unexpected, learning the power of acceptance, and looking beyond appearances.

This musical features a wickedly tuneful score by the Tony Award nominated team of Pasek and Paul, and book by Timothy Allen McDonald. If you are not familiar with this show musically, think Tim Burton meets vaudeville, with brass and jazzy music numbers.

The main characters are “adult size”, but there are also roles for younger performers.

Meet  the  RBCC  Players  Team

Dan Shelhamer

Founder Director
Dan believed that everyone could perform and would do everything within his ability to help people discover their talents. He always found a role in any production for any childwho auditioned, often writing roles into the script for them. He was inexhaustible in his passion for music and theater. Loyal and kind, he was also a “kid magnet” because he was very much in tune with his inner child. Dan held a Bachelor of Music Degree (Cum Laude) ...
More About Dan
... Applied Piano, Master of Music Degree, Conducting, and was a Doctor of Arts, Candidate in Opera Production. He worked with the fledgling Missoula Children’s Theatre right after college, which began a lifelong journey teaching and encouraging children and youth in music and drama programs. He taught in the Seattle public school system and was Music and Stage Director for high school productions. Simultaneously, he worked with private programs at Studio East Performing Arts, Dandylyon Drama, and as Music Director for various churches in the Seattle area. Yet he found time to perform with the Seattle Opera Chorus, Silverbells Carolers, Kings Players, Snoqualmie Falls Forest Theater, Bainbridge Performing Arts, Seattle Musical Theater, Woodinville Theatre, and the RBCC Players.

Carol Colt

Carol and Dan met in 1985 when she volunteered to assist with administrative production for the next play. From then forward, Dan and Carol worked together for 33 years, building the RBCC Players. They were married for 31 years. Carol has a passion for cooking and entertaining and for 15 years prepared and coordinated dinner theater for the RBCC spring productions. Carol is retired from a 35-year career in sales & management. The joys in her life are her family, travel, and helping fulfill Dan’s dream for community theater with the RBCC Players.

Cyndi Thomsen

Managing Artistic Director
Cyndi joined the players in December of 1997 as a performer and over the years has helped with sound, lights, crew, costumes, and stage management. Cyndi became our primary director in 2017. Prior to the Players, Cyndi was on stage, television, and film (since 1971), working primarily in Minneapolis and Seattle. Cyndi has spent the last 25 years directing and teaching -- working to help others perfect their skills and reach their dreams. Cyndi has worked with writers, actors, directors, choreographers, and production artists -- many of whom now live the life they worked towards of sharing their stories with the World.

Supporting Roles for all our Performances

Deep gratitude to Richmond Beach Congregational Church for supporting a vision and dream and offering space, time, and talent to us over the last 40+ years. While this started as a congregational effort it has grown to support Richmond Beach, Shoreline, and Greater Seattle artists. Additionally, we would like to thank Horizon School for sharing the space with us for rehearsals and productions. We welcome students and staff to join us in the audience ,  on stage, or backstage, for any production.