What We Believe

"No matter where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!"

The United Church of Christ

"With God's help we are thoughtful compassionate Christians, Biblically rooted and continually guided by the Holy Spirit to love the whole of God's creation. As a denomination, because we are called by God to follow the historic Jesus and risen Christ as the center of our faith, we reach out in love and understanding to the whole of God's people. We are committed to ecumenical partnerships and action — listening for and honoring the prophetic voice. We are churches of nurture and care, gathered in the life of Christ for faithful healing, celebration, and growth. We are centers of service seeking to build neighborhoods of decency and justice — seeking a world at peace."

(From the Pacific Northwest Conference vision statement of the UCC)

Our Local Church

"RBCC became a reality on Sunday, March 1, 1891, when 7 people presented themselves for membership. The current members and friends of RBCC-UCC carry on the 100-plus-year-old tradition of worship services and activities that are open and accepting of all who participate. We are a community committed to serving the broader community in a variety of ways: By providing a nurturing place for children, youth, and adults to learn the Christian faith, and a place of fellowship for all ages.  We seek to offer a hospitable, meaningful, and joyful worship service each week where all ages feel welcome.  We take the Bible seriously, but not literally, with respect for both the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures. We demand neither uncritical acceptance of any viewpoint, nor a rigid formulation of doctrine, but mutual understanding and respect."

Our Covenant

"As a congregation of growing faith, we are a people who seek to understand, struggle with, and celebrate personal and public life in light of our faith, its scriptures, and traditions. We strive for an atmosphere of theological and spiritual tolerance through which we may be nurtured and connected as we share our doubts and discoveries.  As an open and affirming church, we welcome all persons on this journey. We are committed to joining others in caring for the people and places of the broader community. We share in the struggle for justice and peace, forming partnerships and sharing our resources. We strive to live in harmony with nature, respecting and honoring the gifts of God's creation.  As a United Church of Christ, we join with the mission of the wider church in seeking reconciliation and wholeness in the world."